What are dental implants?

It is a surgical fixation placed in the bone of the jaw and fuse with the bone in the span of few months. Replacement of root of the tooth with the metal that is screw-like and fills the space of missing or damaged teeth with the artificial one that really looks natural. Surgery of dental implant depends on the type of implant considering the condition of jawbone.

Several procedures are involved in the surgery of dental implants. The benefit of an implant is to give solid support to the new teeth but the healing process is long because bone takes time to heal. Dental implants are usually made of titanium. Now science and technology are improved and it has also increased the stability of dental implants. About 98% is the success rate of dental implant surgery.

Need of Dental implant surgery.

A dental implant can be done for a single tooth or more than one tooth or sometimes it is done for all the teeth. Restoring the function of dentistry and esthetics is the main goal of teeth replacement. When anyone decides to replace the tooth there are three options for them to choose that are:

  1. A dental appliance that is removable and this can be a complete denture or partial denture.
  2. The dental bridge that is fixed
  3. Dental implant


The most affordable option is dentures for the replacement of teeth but it is not desirable because of its inconvenience in the mouth. Taste and sensory experience with the food are affected in dentures.

Dental bridge

Before shifting to a dental implant, a dental bridge is mostly preferred for the restorative option in the damage. The disadvantage of bridgework is that it depends on the natural teeth for the support.

Dental implants

Dental implants are supported by the bone and it does not affect the surrounding teeth. It depends upon the factors before you choose the option for replacement. For the dental implant option factors that must be considered are:

  • What is the location of missing teeth?
  • What is the quality of jawbone where implant is to be placed?
  • What is the health of a patient?
  • What is the cost?
  • Preference of patient for the options.

Dental surgeons before doing the implant must examine the area for dental implant and make a clear clinical assessment that if the patient is a good candidate for implant procedure or not.

Procedure of Dental Implant

The procedure of dental implant performed with the inserting of tooth roots that are artificial. The implant helps in bonding with the jawbone which allows the dentist or the surgeon to place the crown or artificial teeth. It is beneficial and the option should be considered if anyone is missing one or more permanent teeth. They look like and feel like your natural teeth.

It is an outpatient surgery and the implant to be placed is made of titanium and some other materials that help to fuse with the jawbone and it imitates the original root of the tooth. The artificial root will help the dentist or surgeon to place the teeth in the jaw and secure it so they feel stable and easily blend with the surrounding natural teeth. A dental implant requires many appointments that include the consultation about an appointment to replace the implant and some other for the attachment of new teeth.

Types of dental implant surgery:

Two types of dental implant surgery is know that are:

  • Endosteal
  • Subperiosteal

An implant that is done in the bone is referred to as an endosteal dental implant while the implant that is placed on the top of jawbone beneath the tissue of gum is referred to as Subperiosteal. Poor long term result of subperiosteal has limited the use of this dental implant as compare to the endosteal dental implant surgery.

Dental implant failure Rate (1)

Dental implant may fail at early stage or late stage. Early-stage implants may fail when they are not successfully osseointegrated while late-stage implant fails happen after 10 years of a dental implant. Some factors that are involved in early dental implant surgery are:

  • Infection
  • Implant positioning
  • Micro movements
  • Insufficient bone support
  • Allergic reaction
  • When the patient lack to adhere to post up instructions
  • Immediate loading complications

Factors that are involved in the late stages of a dental implant are:

  • Damage or nerve or tissue
  • Rejection of dental implant
  • Infection
  • Sinus activity gets protruded
  • Injury

Implant failure is related to many risk factors and these factors can be patient-oriented. Some common factors are:

  • Patient not adhering properly to the care after dental implant
  • Smoking
  • Bruxism
  • When the oral hygiene is poor
  • Disease of gum
  • When one chooses overdenture restoration
  • Grafting of bone with the sourced material
  • Maxilla placement rather than the placement in mandible
  • When the shape of the implant is noncylindrical
  • Medications
  • Medical conditions such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.

Failure rate for dental implant is about 5%. Looking at the pictures of failed dental implants may discourage you to get one but keep in mind only 5 cases out 100 is the rate of failure. Patient-oriented factors are usually involved in the failure of dental implants. Complete care and follow-up for the dentist’s instructions may lower the risk of dental implant failure.

How long Dental Implants Lasts? (2)

As discussed dental implant are made up of titanium and fused with the jawbone so they can last for the lifetime. A dental crown is the tooth replacement system that is the visible part must be replaced after every 5 to 15 years. Dentist or surgeons have complete knowledge about the situation that how long will the dental implant last for but the care is all that is required for the life span of replacement.

How much does a dental implant cost?

The cost of the dental implant varies from region to region and it depends upon the number of teeth you want to replace and also on the dentist who is performing the procedure. A single dental implant can cost approximately from $3,000 to $4,500. The surgery required for the implant of placement, other components, and the crown used for the implant is included in the cost.


  1. https://www.authoritydental.org/dental-implant-failure
  2. https://www.nogapsdental.com/how-long-dental-implants-last